Friday 8 July 2016

Be CuriousRight Now

There is adventure in the moment. Don’t try to look beyond where you are right now. Position your focus in the window of now and get curious like a child of all that is around you right now. What sounds do you hear? What do you see? Why are you here? Do you feel that energy inside you? Just think about connecting with god, or the source of your creation- how does that make you feel?

Intention is a powerful but subtle force. You really have to locate yourself in the moment to feel the shift in your internal states any time your intention changes. Intention is like the sailor of a large ship. Some people only see the large ship when it moves, they don’t see the little man inside controlling the direction of the ship.

Intention directs focus. Your intention to be in the moment right now will eventually guide your entire being here- and your intention to connect with the energy inside you will create small almost imperceptible shifts that can eventually consume your awareness in total bliss.
The key is your intention. Don’t work so hard trying to control the ship, or the winds and the waves of external circumstance. Get clear on your intent and let yourself flow to where you need to be.
Get curious in the moment. There is adventure and excitement to be found here. There is a million wonders in the stillness of now, and it is only here you feel the presence of infinity.

Your Passion, Your Juice – The Fuel ofLife

There is a path that’s right for you. It lives in the shadow of your dreams. When you begin to go down this path you find the energy you’ve sorely been seeking. You awaken to new life. It is while on this path you discover the spring of raw emotion. Sip and be renewed.

It is while on this path you find a burning ember of desire, hidden beneath the wet logs of common sense, rational thinking and safe decision making. Become aware and let the light of your awareness burn away the moisture. Watch instantly as your obstacles become your fuel.

Every person has a dream. Not every person follows it. For whatever reason- most sparks never land on fuel. The tragedy; not by chance or circumstance, but by decision.

Enjoy – To Experience with Joy

I was walking down the road the other night looking for a cab. I was hot, sweaty and tired. I thought of getting to my condo which seemed like a world away. The more I thought about how good it would be to get home, the more I became agitated about my present condition. Then suddenly the thought struck me (a thought that has now been conditioned to strike me whenever circumstances are less than favorable) what good could I find in this moment right now? It wasn’t long before the answer became clear.
I firstasked myself how I knew my present situation was less than favorable to begin with. The only way I knew, is when I compared it to other situations that were more favorable. Then I made an amazing discovery. The level of enjoyment had nothing to do with my present condition, but it had everything to do with the degree of my desire to be somewhere other than I was.

Thursday 7 July 2016

The Experience of God

How can you experience God when you cannot experience it with your senses? You try to grasp God in the same way you’ve grasped everything else. Logically, Emotionally and through the senses. These are the only inlets you’ve used to decode the energy data of the universe. And so, you employ the same methods when trying to discover spirit. You pray for signs, for messages, you seek to understand in a way that you’ve always understood- through experience. But if the experience never comes, can you say it never exists?

Can something exist even if it is never experienced? Is it possible for something to be real if you cannot experience it in reality? Can something be more real than the experience of the senses? So real that it makes the experience with the senses an illusion and the realness of the thing beyond the senses the only real thing? Can logic grasp something that formed logic? Can words describe the thing that created words?

How can we not use the mind? In sleep and deep meditation. You calm the mind until you no longer use it.