Thursday 21 July 2016

“I Began”

The more we plan the more we delay the “I Began” .. But procrastination is not always a distraction, sometimes by delaying action we start with more traction.
Proper preparation prevents poor performance, and presence brings relevance to the right sequence of events. Appreciating the moments.

Love and passion sometimes take the form of what appears to be delayed action. But that does not mean a subtraction. Its patience and trusting timing of events that makes the most sense, although sometimes a good offense does make the best defense.
Feel it out, whats good for you and right for me? In the end we see there must be a right timing for everything.

Mastering Relaxation

If you are going to be perfect in anything try relaxation first. There should be a masters in relaxation – it’s far more useful than most degrees out there.

Mastering relaxation will serve as a foundation to balance out anything else you do.

 A simple practice: lay on your back with eyes closed and try not to move. Breathe deeply.. let your mind calm down. Focus light beginning with feet and moving up through every cell up to your head.. relaxing as you go. Keep letting tension out.. keep going deeper. Cycle through your body dozens of times and you may get buzzing or tingling sensations.. keep trying to deepen the relaxation each time you do this.

Yes it might be difficult to relax at first but it’s even more difficult to go through life stressed out. Once you reach a deeper peace and centeredness there is great strength, great renewal and energy to be drawn upon for any task at hand.

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Good morning! Its a great day to remember that all things are temporary including your own face. Not to feel sad about this truth but to appreciate everything you come into contact with, with the understanding you will never see it in this form again.

Saturday 9 July 2016

LifeFulfillment Vs Life Achievement

Fulfillment can only be experienced in the moment. Engaged in something you enjoy doing. Not caring about the result. Achievement is secondary to the experience of fulfillment.
The moment something has been achieved it’s already in the past! Relishing victory is reliving a peak moment, even if it were only moments ago. This can feel good for only so long before present moments become dull, boring, and otherwise transient until the next victory is achieved.  This is the process of addiction.

Achievement brings about a temporary state of fulfillment, like working towards an orgasm you are driven by the expectancy of achievement. Achievement itself is a climatic expression of what you expected. However if the former work bears no fruit, and the work itself was attached to an outcome, disappointment results in proportion to the expectancy.
Disappointment is a much stronger emotion than the elation of achievement. It’s also a breeding ground for negativity. A negative focus leads to undesirable emotions & destructive acts. There is little room for fulfillment in an environment like this.

But alas fulfillment is possible in any moment; possible, but unlikely until a decision is made to first untangle the confusion between fulfillment and achievement and then give fulfillment higher priority.

Where Does Your Focus Go Upon Waking?

Knowing where your focus goes in the first few moments upon waking sets the tone for being either stressed or fulfilled early in the day.

Recalling what you have to do causes a sudden rush of the physical world. If you’re acutely aware of how your body feels just before you focus on the pending tasks – you’ll notice the drastic difference between a peaceful waking and a stressful start to the day.

If you have a habit of immediately waking (or waking to an alarm clock) and unconsciously filling your brain with tasks, it has little time to process the delicate energy of your spiritual journey during the night.  There is much insight and fulfillment to be had if you can allow yourself to remember your dreams and focus in this area for a few minutes before you fully wake up. I suggest you also write down any key insights during this time.

In the early stages of this practice you’ll have to train the mind – catch it just before it zooms off into the day and concentrate on your dreams and traces of intuition.  Soon you’ll discover so much more than you ever thought possible within the realm of your own mind.Â

Friday 8 July 2016

The Power of OpenCommunication

A relationship without open communication will inevitably give way to deception.  There is no grey area. It is better to hurt another with open communication than to betray with deception. You will find that even the act of open communication prevents deeds that would normally be performed under the veil of dishonesty.
A relationship is a gentle lowering of individuality or Ego. A free flow of ideas, perceptions even insecurities should come to the surface and be discussed. In the ideal environment, no taboo or perceived craziness is outside the limit of open discussion. All taboos are society’s programming anyway- which is far from open at the present time. Even governments and companies have not recognized the power of open communication with their people.Â
To suddenly start being open after a long period of hiding is far more difficult than being open on a regular basis. But inevitably this line has to be crossed, and accepted. An environmentsuitable for revealing all is the first stage of open communication. Both parties must be willing to hear anything and refrain from allowing their Ego to jump into the fray; to judge, feel hurt or angry.

Everyone may not like the idea at first, preferring to hang on to the perceived power that comes through lying. It is they who will prefer to go to war when the truth has been set free. Granted, there is a fine line between loose lips that sink ships and open communication in the spirit of greater love between two enlightenedindividuals. Open communication does not mean running the mouth like a loose cannon. It means selectively choosing your words in a way that will bring about greater harmony between yourself and another party. And avoiding the acts that would disrupt that harmony whenever possible. And in the rare cases where a controversial decision must be made in haste and a decision was made in error, it can quickly be discussed, accepted and learned from.
All other things matter not. Life IS. And in the “IS”, consciousness exists. Consciousness is ever changing, ever flowing, consciousness is never the same in any two moments. Consciousness also referred to as Soul – accepts the illusion of identity- for the sake of structure. However consciousness within the structure is ever changing. Even the outward appearance of structure is only that- an appearance or delusion. It too changes from moment to moment, but less erratically.

Consciousness journeys in many vehicles. Everything from a tree to human. It’s experience inside each vehicle is very different, even from human to human. The experience of consciousness changes dramatically depending on the state of mind or the state of matter.
What you experience is the illusion of individuality. Consciousness observes and reflects all experiences. The experiencer has a inevitable relationship with the experienced. They are intertwined as one. Yet the experiencer with a higher degree of conscious ability, experiences individuality. For example, the human experiences its experience separate from the chair, however both require eachother for existence.

Human isa rare species of animal that has evolved a brain powerful enough to not only recognize consciousness in its purer form, but also control it through focus. But before focus can be properly used, it must first be awakened. The state of most humans is that of a wild animal, forging ahead focused outward putting one foot in front of the other. Programmed by environment, reacting to circumstance. Rare indeed is the human that “knows thyself” having turned its focused inwardly to discover a will.